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Palm Readings
Psychic Readings
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Your hands are a unique map, imprinted with the story of your life's journey and your innermost essence. Guided by intuition and deep insights, a palm reading offers insight on your life, love, future, destiny, health and more!

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Tarot Card Reading • $55 - $85

The cards know the answer! My tarot card readings reveal the truths about the past, present, & future of situations or relationships that you are seeking. Discover the truths about the people in your life and the people coming into your life so you will know who is true and who is false, and how to deal best.

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Psychic Readings • $65

Define your life's vision with a Psychic Energy Reading. Using psychic intuitive gifts such as clairvoyant, clairaudient, prayer, and spiritual connection to your guides, I am here to guide you through life's challenges, decisions, and choices so you can be better prepared for the changes on the horizon.

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Combination Readings • $85

A Combination Reading uses 3 decks of tarot along with clarification and can tell you everything from past, present, & future, love, business, marriage, health, and happiness. It answers all questions, focuses on love affairs and loved ones, and gives you spiritual advice. 

Tarot Card Readings
Combination Readings
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Premium Services
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Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing aims to correct any imbalances in these energy centers by using various techniques, practices, and modalities. Focusing on each chakra through visualization, breathwork, and intention-setting to balance and align the energies using a chakra light table that uses colors to adjust the vibrational frequencies in the body resulting in health and harmonization from within. 

Chakra Balancing
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Past Life Regression

Recovering memories from a previous life help you in your current one. Through a past life regression you will find an understanding of your souls purpose. With a connection to your spirit guides, you will unravel cycles and spiritual conflicts so you can evolve with a deeper understanding and knowledge of who you are and your life purpose.  Done through personalized meditation, prayer, and spiritual healing.

Past Lif Regression
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Aura Cord Removal

Aura cords are subtle connections that form between individuals, situations, and experiences. These cords carry residual energies and emotions, impacting our well-being and inhibiting our personal growth. Free yourself from these energetic attachments and sever the energetic ties that bind you to the past, relationships, and experiences that no longer serve you. 

Aura Cord Removal
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Karma Cleansing

Realign your spiritual path on this transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. Guided by ancient wisdom and intuitive insights, this profound experience offers you the opportunity to release past burdens, clear negative energies, and restore your spiritual equilibrium. Rewrite your story, cultivating positive karmic imprints that align with your true essence. Embrace the opportunity to let go, heal, and pave the way for a brighter, more enlightened future.

Karma Cleansing
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Candle Burning Ritual

Ignite your intentions and illuminate your path in this sacred space where the gentle flicker of a candle becomes a beacon of transformation and intention. Our Candle Burning Ritual is a timeless practice that combines the power of fire with focused intention, allowing you to manifest your desires, release the old, and invite new beginnings. Guided by intuitive wisdom, this ritual offers you the opportunity to co-create with the universe and align your energy with your heart's truest desires.

Candle Burning Ritual
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Spiritual Maintenance

Life's challenges, stressors, and daily experiences can leave imprints on our energetic and spiritual realms. Spiritual Maintenance is a sanctuary where you can replenish your energy, cleanse your aura, and restore your sense of equilibrium. This transformative experience offers you the tools to cultivate and nurture your spiritual essence, promoting balance, harmony, and a deeper connection to your inner light.

Spiritual Maintenance
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Custom Products

Custom Candles
Herbal Incense
Spiritual Bath
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